The word 2BM stands for 2 browser method.
It used to be possible to apply for multiple cards at the same time using different browsers. This would allow you to apply for multiple cards without the banks seeing each other’s credit inquiries.
That helped people get approved for many cards at the same time. They opened many browsers, filled out all the applications and then hit submit on all of them, at the same time!
Eventually, the credit bureaus caught on and currently 2BM is dead. Inquiries are currently posted by the micro split second. It’s not possible for you to act faster than the credit bureaus.
Same day credit inquiries
What is still alive (and often called 2BM as a nickname) are same-day credit inquiries.
If you apply for more than one credit card from the same credit card issuer within the same day, the credit inquiries will sometimes be combined.
It’s different from 2BM as both inquiries need to be from the same credit card issuer (2BM worked even from different credit card issuers). But on the plus side, you do not need to do all applications in the same second. You can take your time as you have a full day to submit the applications and the inquiries will still be combined.
Not all banks combine same day inquiries
Not with all banks will your inquiries be combined. Here are some data points we collected on when same-day credit inquiries do or do not combine.
American Express
Amex credit inquiries will be combined for the same-day applications, as long as they are both approved for on the same day.
For some existing Amex credit cardholders, Amex will not do a hard credit pull when applying for a new credit card at any time.
Bank of America
Applications for all Personal BOA cards within 30 days will be combined.
Many data points suggest that Barclay’s inquiries, which are done the same day, will be combined.
Please note, it is difficult to get approved for more than one Barclays credit card within six months.
The data points are mixed. Some data points suggest that applications for all Personal Chase cards within the same day will result in only one credit inquiry. Also, applications for all Chase Business cards within the same day will result in only one credit inquiry. But, applications for Personal and Business cards will not be combined.
There are data points that suggest that Chase credit inquiries are not combined even for two Personal or two Business cards done the same day.
Applications for all Personal Citi credit cards will be combined; also, applications for all Citi Business cards will be combined. Personal and business cards will not be combined.
You cannot get approved for more than one Citi personal card within eight days (Combining credit inquiries will only make a difference when declined for your first try and you want to try a new one…)
Capital One
Capital One credit inquiries will be combined. In some cases, inquiries are not combined on Transunion.
You generally cannot get approved for more than one Capital One card within the same day. (Combining credit inquiries will only make a difference when declined for your first try and you want to try a new one…)
Two Discover card applications in one day will result in only one credit inquiry.
US Bank
Inquiries will not combine at all.
Wells Fargo
There are some data points that suggest that Wells Fargo applications combine, but some suggest that they don’t.
The information found in this post is collected from data points found on the internet. I cannot guarantee that your results will be the same.