If you have any travel plans, it would be smart to make sure you have a credit card in your pocket that does not charge foreign transaction fees. You don’t want to be charged a fee every time you swipe your card out of the United States.
But why pay an annual fee for a card you may end up using only while you’re abroad? (Though you can very well use it at home too).
A credit card with no annual fee, plus no foreign transactions fee, sounds perfect.
Find your options easily using our website
With our Ultimate Credit Card Finder we make it very easy to find the perfect card that fits your needs.
The Ultimate Credit Card Finder will throw back credit cards in a split second once you filter the card options. Choose a bank, a card type, the benefits you want in a card, and what kind of fees.
So to find the cards with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees, let’s first set the filter for credit cards with no annual fee.
And then lets click on “No foreign transaction fees”.
In a split second you will get a list of 49 cards that have no annual fee and don’t have foreign transaction fees .
In this post, we will list the top 10 options.
The best credit cards with no annual or foreign transaction fees
1. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
2. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
3. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
4. Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
6. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
7. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
8. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
9. card_name
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
10. RCI Elite Rewards Mastercard
No annual fee
No foreign transaction fee
SOFI credit card with unlimited 2% back seems to be a better deal then any of these.
Thanks. Revised post