Today is Cyber Monday. Thousands of items on Amazon will be available at steep discounts. But the savings can be even greater when you check out using your credit card points. You can get up to an additional 50% off when checking out using a single credit card point!
Links to the deals
These offers are targeted so check out these links to see which offers you are targeted for:
40% / 50% off when using 1 Amex Membership Reward point
50% off when using 1 Discover point
50% off when using 1 US Bank point
50% off when using 1 Chase Ultimate Rewards point
A few things to know
- The percentage discount is applied based on the original price before the Cyber Monday savings (which equals way bigger savings!!)
- In order to activate the discount you need to use a minimum of one point to pay a portion of the purchase (don’t use more than one point as you get a poor value per point). Some Amex offers require 714 or 867 points to be used. You will see the details on the offer page depending which offer you targeted for.
- Amazon gift cards are not eligible for discount
- You can use the offer on multiple orders until you reach the maximum discount amount.
- The discounts are only available on items sold & shipped by Amazon, not items that are sold by a third party, even if they are shipped with Prime.
- If you are not targeted for these offers then you can try to delete from your Amazon wallet the credit cards that are associated with the applicable points program. Wait a few hours then re-add the cards and try the links again.
- Remember what Rabbi Avigdor Miller said. If you see something for 50% off but you do not need it then just walk away and save the other 50%… !