Getting 0% APR business cards can help your business cash flow tremendously. Should it be to buy inventory or even just to weather a hiccup.
In this post, we will teach you how to get the maximum approval on 0% APR business cards.
Apply for these business cards in the following order
So if you’re looking to get high limits approved on 0% APR cards, then I would recommend you apply for the following cards in the following order.
As long as you have good credit and a minimum of one year of credit history, you should not have an issue getting approved for these cards, all with great credit limits.
1. card_name ($0)
0% APR for 12 months on purchases, plus you get a total of 75,000 points after spending a total of $6,000 within the first 6 months.
After you apply, wait until the card is approved before you go to the second application. If the first application is pending then wait until it actually gets approved (usually does not take more than 2-3 days). Do not apply for the second card while the first application is pending.
2. card_name ($0)
0% APR for 12 months on purchases, plus you get 75,000 points after spending $6,000 within the first 3 months. On top of all this, the card earns an unlimited 1.5 points on all purchases!
3. card_name ($0)
0% APR for 12 months on purchases, plus you get 30,000 points after spending $6,000 within the first 3 months. Plus, you can earn 2 points on up to $50,000 spent annually, then 1 point.
4. card_name ($0)
0% APR for 12 months on purchases, plus you get $250 after spending a total of $3,000 within the first 3 months. Plus, you can earn 2% cashback on up to $50,000 spent annually, then 1%.
If you have a Bank of America checking account (for approx. 30 days), you can also apply for the following three cards (you can apply for all three):
5. Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard ($0)
0% APR for 9 months on purchases, plus you get 30,000 points after spending $3,000 within the first 90 days.
6. Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards Mastercard® credit card ($0)
0% APR for 9 months on purchases, plus you get $300 after spending $3,000 within the first 90 days.
7. Business Advantage Customized Cash Rewards Mastercard® credit card ($0)
0% APR for 9 months on purchases, plus you get $300 after spending $3,000 within the first 90 days.
And if you have a US Bank bank account (for approx. 30 days) then you can apply for these US Bank credit cards:
8. U.S. Bank Business Platinum Card ($0)
0% APR for 18 months on purchases.
9. U.S. Bank Business Triple Cash Rewards World Elite Mastercard ($0)
0% APR for 12 months on purchases, plus you get $750 after spending $6,000 within the first 180 days.
You can also apply for the M&T Business Rewards Credit Card but to get approved, you’ll have to show business finances, including tax return, etc.
How to apply for a business credit card without an LLC or C-Corp
You would love to apply for a business credit card. But the problem is, your business is not registered as an LLC or C-Corp. No problem! Read this post for a step by step guide for how to apply for a business card without an LLC or C-Corp.
You would love to apply for a business credit card. But the problem is, your business is not registered as an LLC or C-Corp. No problem! Tune in for a step by step gui...
Reallocating your existing credit limits to also become 0% APR
If you currently have existing great credit limits with either Chase or Amex, then you can reallocate (aka transfer) your credit limits from your old card to the new card and gain an even higher credit limit, all on 0% APR.
Here are the rules to keep in mind.
Chase: You can reallocate Chase credit limits only from personal to personal or from business to business. Chase will do a hard credit pull If the new credit limit will exceed $35,000.
Amex: You can reallocate credit limits from personal to personal, business to business, and from personal to business cards. You cannot transfer from business to personal. You cannot reallocate your credit limits more than once in 30 days.
Bank of America: You can reallocate credit limits from personal to personal or from business to business. Reallocating credit limits will only result in a soft credit pull.
US Bank: Most data points report not being successful with reallocating credit limits; some suggest talking to a supervisor.
Balances will not affect your credit score
All banks listed above do not report their business credit cards on your personal credit report. Therefore, even if you max out the card, it will not affect your credit score.
Will the credit inquiries be combined?
Luckily, applications made with one bank on the same day, in many cases, may all be combined to only one inquiry.
Here is how it works:
Chase: The data points are mixed. Some data points suggest that applications for all business Chase cards within the same day will result in only one credit inquiry. However, there are data points that suggest that Chase credit inquiries are not combining.
Amex: Amex credit inquiries will be combined for the same-day applications. For 99% of existing Amex credit cardholders, Amex will not do a hard credit pull when applying for a new credit card at any time.
Bank of America: Credit inquiries for all personal and business Bank of America cards within 30 days will be combined.
US Bank: US Bank inquiries usually get combined for same-day applications, but not always.
Good luck on getting approved!
P. S. You can research many data points on credit card approvals in our credit card database.