Update: Offer expired.
Do you want to apply for the card_name but you feel stuck because your business is not registered as an LLC or C-Corp?
Guess what? You can apply for the card without an LLC or C-Corp! But just so you know, most people actually have a business without them even realizing. For instance, if you tutor kids then you have an education business.
In any case, now is the time to get the card_name with the massive offer of 120,000 points after you spend $8,000 within 3 months.
So let’s get right into it. Follow these steps to apply for the card without an LLC or C-Corp and enjoy the card like any other business owner!
How to apply for the Ink Preferred without an LLC
- Step number one, click here to open up the card_name on Help Me Build Credit.
- Follow the Get Started and Apply Now buttons until you reach the application page, as shown below.
- Fill out the application with your personal information as in the screenshot above.
Once you’re done with that, you will hit the business part of the application, as shown in the screenshot below. Follow me for exact instructions.
How to fill out your business application
1. Legal business structure: Choose “sole proprietorship”.
2. Business legal name: Write the business name. If the business does not have a name then write your own name, which is actually better as it will help you out later with providing proof of the business name, if requested (you can then send any utility bill that has your name on it).
3. Desired business name on card: Write any name you prefer to be displayed on the card.
4. Does your business use another name, like a trade name, assumed name or DBA (Doing Business As)? In most cases the answer is “no”.
5. Tax ID type: Choose “Social security number”.
6. SSN: Fill out your social security number.
7. Is your business’s physical address the same as your personal address? You can answer “yes”.
8. Number of employees: Put in as applicable, if it’s 0 write 0.
9. Business phone number: You can put your own phone number.
10. Business established date: Put the date you opened the business (it’s recommended to have a business open for a minimum of one year).
11. Annual business revenue: Put in the net sales of the business (How much money your business has in sales before deducting your expenses).
12. Business category: Fill out whatever type of business you have (for example, if you sell your own knitted hats then your type of business is retail).
13. Business type: Fill out whatever type of business you have, just like you did for the Business category.
14. Business sub-type: Fill out whatever type of business you have, just like you did for the Business category.
15. NAICS: It gets prefilled so skip it.
16. Estimated monthly spend: Put your estimated monthly spend.
17. Would you like to add an employee? Select yes or no, to your liking.
18. Go paperless? Select yes or no, to your liking.
19. Read the Pricing and Terms and Certifications, then check off the box that “I’ve read and agree to the above.
20. Click on the Submit button.
Good luck!