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What Is A Credit Inquiry? Everything You Need To Know

A credit inquiry isn’t something to cry too much about. Let’s establish what a credit inquiry is, the different types of credit inquiries, and whether they affect your credit score or not.

Credit inquiry

A credit inquiry, aka credit pull, is when someone requests to have your credit report reviewed. There are two types of credit inquiries- hard inquiries and soft inquiries. 

What is a hard inquiry?

A hard inquiry is when a creditor has requested to see your credit history in order to gain information about your payment history.

When is a hard inquiry made?

A hard inquiry will usually be done when you request a loan from a lender. That can happen when you apply for a loan, credit card, mortgage, or car loan. 

The lender wants to protect themself from a negligent borrower. By looking at your credit report, they see if you’re on top of paying your credit card bills, auto loans, and the like. 

Hard inquiry effect on score

A question that comes up often is, does a hard inquiry affect my credit score? 

A hard inquiry will affect your credit score in the short term. It may cause your number to drop slightly, right after the hard inquiry is done. The good news is that it won’t remain like that forever. (Phew!) By twelve months after the inquiry, your score won’t be affected anymore.

The more hard inquiries done, the more your credit score will be affected, though. That’s why you should reconsider applying for a few credit cards at a time, as that results in multiple hard inquiries done at once. Best is for there not be more than 5 hard inquiries in 12 months.

Combining Same Day Credit Inquiries: Who Does and Who Does Not?

Every time you apply for a credit card, the credit card issuer will make a hard credit inquiry and pull your credit report. Credit inquiries can affect your credit sco...

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How long does a hard inquiry stay on a credit report?

By two years, your hard inquiry should be off your credit report altogether.

Now, what happens if you applied for a few credit cards, knowing you probably won’t be approved for all? Will the credit inquiry still be on your credit report if you get declined? The answer is that yes, the hard inquiry will still be on your credit report. You’re best off applying for cards that you have a fair chance getting approved for. 

What is a soft inquiry?

Now, let’s talk about soft inquiries, aka soft pulls. A soft inquiry is when you check your credit report or you allow someone to check your credit (like a potential employer). A soft inquiry also occurs when a lender checks your credit report in order to pre-approve you for an offer. 

When is a soft inquiry made?

Soft inquiries are not done in relation to loans. They’ll usually be done by landlords, potential employers, insurance companies, utility companies or for pre-qualified offers. Those pre-qualified credit card offers you get in your mailbox aren’t numbers that are pulled out of a hat. They’re usually based on your score.

Soft credit check effect on score

A soft inquiry won’t affect your credit score, and they can’t be viewed by anybody but yourself. This is a good thing since soft inquiries are constantly being made.

Inquiries & the three credit bureaus

There are three credit bureaus- credit-reporting agencies: TransUnion, Equifax and Experian. Generally, banks will only pull a credit report from one agency when you apply for a credit card or other loans. As for mortgages, a credit inquiry will be done by all three bureaus. 

Banks won’t do credit inquiries by the same credit bureaus all the time. It differs based on the state and the time period.  In our Credit Card Database people report what credit bureaus their credit was pulled from. When applying for a card, you can search the Credit Card Database for a user from your state who applied to the same bank within the last few months. Generally, your credit inquiry will be done by the same bureau as that user reported.

What if I find an error on my credit report?

What happens if you get your credit report, and you notice a few inquiries you weren’t aware about or that you don’t recognize? This may be an indication of someone misusing your credit report. 

If you notice something amiss on your credit report, call the bank that conducted the inquiry, find out some more information about it, and dispute it if it’s inaccurate. If you fear that your personal information was stolen and someone is opening false accounts in your name, then your best option may be to freeze your credit reports. Check out more details here.

Credit inquiries while you’re rate shopping

Buying a car and a home is not the same as purchasing groceries and clothing. They’re a lot more expensive and call for a lot more decision making than minor purchases do.  It’s very reasonable to want to “shop around for rates”, to see if one offer will be cheaper than the other. 

That means applying for a few loans at various banks or car dealerships. By applying to a few places, you’re causing multiple hard inquiries to be done, which can be not so great for your credit score. 

The good news is that with the most frequently used FICO model, all inquiries that are made within 45 days are considered one inquiry (if you are “rate shopping”). Some older FICO models and various other scoring models will group inquiries made within 14 days of each other. Read more details about rate shopping here.

Frequently asked questions
Does checking my credit report cause a soft pull?
Yes, when you request to review your report, a soft inquiry will be done. Please note that soft inquiries do not affect your credit score in any way.
Which credit cards do soft pulls?
As far as I’m aware, credit companies will always do a hard inquiry when you apply for a credit card. Amex, however, will often not pull the credit of their existing customers.
Why does a credit inquiry lower my score?
The fact that someone is in need of more credit, leads to the assumption that they are in a financially difficult situation.
When else does a hard inquiry happen, besides for when I apply for a credit card or loan?
When you request a credit limit increase, some issuers may do a hard inquiry. Chase bank does hard inquiries when their customers request a credit limit increase.
Is my consent needed in order for a soft inquiry to be done?
No, soft pulls can be done without your consent. It needs to have a legitimate reason for it, though (for example pre-approving a firm offer of credit, etc).
How much will my score be affected by a hard credit inquiry?
According to FICO, a hard inquiry can shave off up to 5 points off your credit score. If your credit history is solid, though, the number decreased might even be less than 5 points. Or much more then 5 points if there are already multiple credit inquiries on your credit report
How much does a hard pull affect credit?
It depends how many you have in total. One shouldn't affect you more than 3-5 points. Multiple in a short period of time can hit you by about 20 points
What's the difference between a hard pull and a soft pull?
A hard pull is a regular credit inquiry that shows on your credit report. A soft pull is when someone checks your credit but the pull does not show on your credit report (A hard pull affects your credit score, a soft pull does not).
For how long does a credit inquiry affect my credit score?
It stays on your credit report for 24 months but only affects credit for 12 months
How many inquiries is too many?
Try to stay below 2 within six months for each credit bureau

Today's best offers

The Business Platinum Card from American Express

Earn 250,000 points after spending $20,000 within the first 3 months.


Capital One Spark Cash Plus

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United Business Card

Earn 100,000 miles after spending $5,000 within the first 3 months.


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Sam Sam has nearly a decade's worth of experience educating his many readers on everything credit. Sam spends his days checking out credit cards for a full report, from the minute benefit details to the shebang of welcome bonuses. Plus studying the ins and outs of building proper credit. It’s his favorite pastime and he loves sharing it with others.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi. Will applying for a Chase CC with an empty Chase checking account affect the results? If it would how much is recommended to have in account when applying? Also how much is credit history playing a role when applying?

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Today's best offers

The Business Platinum Card from American Express

Earn 250,000 points after spending $20,000 within the first 3 months.


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Highest ever!! Earn $2,000 after spending $30,000 within the first 3 months. Plus, earn an additional $2,000 for every $500,000 you spend during the first year. You can earn the bonus unlimited times over the course of the first year!


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Earn 100,000 miles after spending $5,000 within the first 3 months.

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