When someone is stuck with high credit card debt they are kind of trapped in a catch 22 situation. They are paying extremely high interest on the...
If You Carry A Balance On A Credit Card You’re Most Likely Paying More Interest Now!
The Fed recently raised its benchmark interest rate. In this post we will discuss what that means in regards to the interest rate you pay on your...
The Statute Of Limitations For Most Debt Collections In NYS Will Be Cut In Half! Effective April 7th
On November 8, 2021, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law the Consumer Credit Fairness Act (the “CCFA”) which goes into effect on April...
Who Is Responsible for Someone’s Credit Card Debt When They Die?
Talking about death is never exciting. But knowledge is power in all aspects of life, happy and sad. This week we will address a question on what...
Everything You Need To Know About Balance Transfers And 0% APR
Simple question. Would you rather save $900 or lose $900? Anyone with a bit of brains would say they’d rather save. Yet, you have that chance...
Refinancing Credit Card Debt: What You Need To Know
When someone is stuck with high credit card debt they are kind of trapped in a catch 20-20 situation. They are paying extremely high interest on the...
New Amex Financial Relief Program
Amex has announced in March a new Financial Relief Program to help card holders who can’t afford to make payments due to Covid-19. The program...
0% APR Plus No balance Transfer Fee Cards – What’s Left?
As we have already discussed many times on the blog, balance transfers are a great way to save on interest in a case where you are stuck with a high...
Refinancing Your Home to Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Mortgage rates are now at a historic low, and a lot of people are rushing to refinance their homes to pay off other accumulated debt. In this post,...